What is this crazy new role popping up at every company??

Seatd will now act as your CAIO to simplify A.I. for you to integrate in your workflows.


Recently there has been a brand new title popping up at every company. People aren’t quite sure what it is and what the new position of CHIEF A.I. OFFICER will even do. That is completely understandable. Over time it will most likely shift and change, but one thing is clear. The goal of this person is to help integrate A.I. into all businesses and workflows to help people be more efficient and productive in what they are doing.


  • New Branding

  • Hollywood style FX using AI

  • Ethically trained AI

  • Quick Headlines

  • Latest Research

  • Tools to supercharge productivity

Our goal at Seatd is to be YOUR CHIEF A.I. OFFICER. Whether you are a business or a startup looking for ways to get ahead this is the place for you. If you are just an individual looking to stand out at your company, this is also a place for you.

Not everyone can afford this new position and we want to act as an extension to you as an individual and your team. We are going to do this through:

It’s a big step and a new way of looking at things, but we will be there with you every step of the way!

Odyssey Systems

Odyssey is pioneering Hollywood-grade visual AI technology that enables professional storytellers to generate and precisely direct stunning video content. Their innovative approach combines AI efficiency with fine-tuned human control, aiming to revolutionize the creation of movies, TV shows, and video games.

Key Points:

  1. Four-layered AI model: Odyssey is developing four powerful generative models for geometry, materials, lighting, and motion, allowing for unprecedented control over visual elements.

  2. Human-centric approach: Rather than replacing human storytellers, Odyssey aims to empower them with AI tools that enhance creativity and efficiency.

  3. Full creative control: Users can manipulate every aspect of generated scenes, from landscapes to characters, ensuring the final product matches their vision.

  4. Industry integration: Odyssey's technology is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing production workflows used in Hollywood and gaming.

  5. Experienced team: The company is built by a diverse group of AI researchers, computer graphics experts, and Hollywood artists with impressive track records.

  6. Backed by notable investors: Odyssey has support from major venture capital firms and industry leaders.

Why this is important: Odyssey's approach to AI-assisted storytelling is important because it addresses the growing concern of AI-generated content overwhelming human creativity. By putting powerful AI tools in the hands of professional storytellers, Odyssey aims to elevate the quality of visual content while preserving the human element that makes great stories resonate. This technology has the potential to democratize high-quality video production, enabling more diverse voices to bring their stories to life with Hollywood-level quality.


Laetro is revolutionizing the AI industry by pioneering an ethical approach to AI-generated content. Founded by a seasoned creative and animator, the company is setting new standards for consensual AI creation, putting artists at the forefront of the AI revolution.

Key Points:

  1. Customized AI Generation: Harness t

    he power of AI to generate and refine images in various styles, all curated from Laetro's roster of consenting artists, ensuring perfect alignment with your brand identity.

  2. Seamless Social Media Integration: Effortlessly format your AI-generated visuals to fit preset dimensions for all major social media platforms, streamlining your content creation process.

  3. Ethical Compensation Model: Laetro prioritizes fairness by providing consent, credit, and compensation to the creative professionals behind each unique style, fostering a sustainable ecosystem for artists in the AI age.

  4. Direct Artist Collaboration: Take your projects to the next level by connecting directly with the artists behind your chosen styles, bridging the gap between AI efficiency and human creativity.

In an era where AI-generated content often raises ethical concerns, Laetro emerges as a beacon of responsible innovation. By creating a platform that respects and rewards the artists whose work informs AI models, Laetro is not just solving a critical problem in the industry – it's redefining the relationship between AI users and content creators. As the bridge between AI technology and human artistry, Laetro is paving the way for a more ethical, transparent, and collaborative future in digital content creation. This approach ensures that as AI continues to evolve, it does so in harmony with, rather than at the expense of, human creativity.


Live Portrait allows you to drive a still image from a video input to animate that still image.

Paints Undo is a project aimed at providing base models of human drawing behaviors with a hope that future AI models can better align with the real needs of human artists.


Superhuman is email powered by A.I. Get 4 hours back every single week.

Motion allows you to use AI to plan your work, automatically.

timeOS allows you to automate your meetings and notetaking with all of your existing tools.

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