Friday, August 25th

Explore the intersection of AI and creativity in this article 🚀

Hi + Hello!

Happy Birthday, Tim Burton 🎉

Here's the line-up for ya 🤠:

  • Are you signed up for our webinar?! 🚀 

  • Check out this incredible short film! 🎥

  • Read about what Coco-Cola is doing in the AI space 😎

  • Learn how to overcome decision fatigue ✨

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⭐️ Creator Highlights: /IMAGINE short film

The French short film created by Anna Apter provides thoughtful critique of social media and the distortion of reality when life is viewed only through the lens of sharing online. By focusing on 13-year-olds, the age at which one can legally start an Instagram account, the film explores the meaning of celebration and connection in a social media-saturated world. Apter offers a nuanced perspective, prompting viewers to reflect on how social media impacts our relationships and interactions. The film's willingness to challenge assumptions makes it impactful and thought-provoking. Bravo, Anna!

Problem: I have decision fatigue 😪

(sorry not sorry if this newsletter is turning into a bit of a diary, because woof, I’m on the struggle bus in this department)

Solution: Try out these AI tools to help you make informed decisions💡

  • Rationale: analyzes decisions and provides structured analysis to help humans make rational, informed choices. Using techniques like SWOT analysis and moral philosophy, Rational presents a transparent assessment of pros, cons, risks and tradeoffs tailored to the user's context.

  • Aeratechnology: makes real-time recommendations and autonomous decisions, and continuously learn from past actions, with the goal of optimizing complex business decision-making through decision intelligence and data insights.

  • 1st-things-1st: helps users build personalized productivity routines, prioritize tasks, set reminders, and manage time in order to enhance focus on priorities and maximize utilization through AI-driven productivity recommendations. This product is compatible with notion, asana, click up and more.

Industry Insights 🧠

Coca-Cola's New Generative AI Chief on Fostering Connections with Digital Artists

  • Coca-Cola recently appointed Pratik Thakar as its first global head of generative AI with the goal + mission of exploring how generative AI can be applied across Coca-Cola's business.

  • A key focus is using AI to foster deeper connections with digital artists and creators as he views generative AI as a new "canvas" for artists and a way to scale creativity.

  • Coca-Cola has partnered with digital artists on AI-powered projects to develop new visuals and designs. They are experimenting with leveraging AI for tasks like logo design and data visualization.

Industry Events 🫡

**Next week!!* Disarming AI: Webinar Series with Special Guest, Steve Giralt!

August 29th | Virtual Event

Steve Giralt, founder of The Garage production studio, will share his insights on using AI to augment creative workflows and push artistic boundaries while maintaining a human touch in our webinar later this month! Click the link below to confirm your spot.

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on the Tech Landscape

Wednesday, September 13 | Glendale

Check out this event during Glendale Tech Week for an insightful fireside chat on "The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on the Tech Landscape" featuring experts like Jenn Kranz of Mucker Capital and Brian Mac Mahon of Expert DOJO. The discussion will provide valuable insights into how AI and machine learning are influencing LA's tech ecosystem, networking opportunities, and a look into the future of these transformative technologies.

Database ⚙️

We launched our database of 80+ AI tools earlier this summer, make sure you’re watching this space- it’s updated weekly!

Job Board 👀 

Here are some awesome open positions in the AI space that we would love to see one of readers fill:

Definition: Overfitting

A problem that occurs when a model is too complex, performing well on the training data but poorly on unseen data. Example: A model that has memorized the training data instead of learning general patterns and thus performs poorly on new data.

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