Introducing SORA: What appears to be the best AI video generator yet!

The creative worlds have changed drastically this week

Welcome back,

This was one of the biggest and most eventful weeks for creatives regarding Generative A.I. There are both positive and potentially negative implications to what happened in the past 7 days.

Let’s dive in!

The Rundown


    • OpenAI just changed many industries with SORA

  • NEWS

    • Eleven Labs follows the major Sora announcement with text prompt to Sound Effects

    • Chat GPT unlocks long term memory

    • Nvidia releases chatbot you can run locally


    • More ways to get consistent models

    • Emotion Sliders for your animation are here.


    • One of the top AI creators this week!

  • Sora, OpenAI's groundbreaking AI model, brings the power of imagination to life by creating realistic and imaginative video scenes from text prompts. This innovative leap forward is set to redefine the boundaries of video production and creative storytelling. The realism is unmatched in any of it’s competitors such as Runway ML and Pika, which have been the leaders in this area thus far.

    Key Points:

    1. Revolutionary Text-to-Video Technology: Sora is capable of generating videos up to a minute long from simple text prompts, maintaining high visual quality and fidelity to the user's instructions. This capability allows for the creation of detailed, dynamic scenes that were previously only possible with extensive video production efforts.

    2. Diverse Applications: The model's versatility is showcased through a variety of generated content, including photorealistic scenes, animated narratives, and complex scenarios involving multiple characters and motions. This diversity demonstrates Sora's potential applications in filmmaking, visual arts, and digital content creation.

    3. Understanding and Simulation of the Physical World: Sora is designed to understand and simulate real-world physics and interactions within its generated videos. This includes accurate representations of motion, lighting, and textures, providing a more immersive and believable visual experience.

    4. Collaborative Development and Feedback: OpenAI is engaging with visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to refine Sora, ensuring it meets the needs of creative professionals and is safe from potential harms or risks. This collaborative approach aims to enhance the model's utility and safety before wider release.

    5. Safety and Ethical Considerations: OpenAI is implementing several safety measures, including the development of detection classifiers to identify Sora-generated content and adherence to strict usage policies. These steps are crucial for preventing misuse and ensuring that Sora's capabilities are used ethically and responsibly.

    Sora represents a game-changing advancement in AI-driven content creation, offering unprecedented capabilities in video production from textual descriptions. There are also concerns that the A.I is moving so fast and the generation is so realistic that it could bring on hard to manage content and fake news in ways that could be extremely harmful.

NEWS: Your Weekly Tech Update

  • Eleven Labs making huge advancements

    • Imagine the power to create any sound effect you can describe with words. ElevenLabs is at the forefront of this innovation, promising to revolutionize the way we produce and interact with sound.

      Key Points:

      1. Innovative Sound Generation: ElevenLabs is introducing an AI-powered tool capable of generating sound effects from text prompts. This technology allows users to create audio clips by simply describing sounds like "waves crashing," "metal clanging," "birds chirping," and "racing car engine."

      2. Integration with OpenAI's Sora: The team showcased this technology by overlaying generated sound effects on clips from the OpenAI Sora announcement. This demonstration highlights the potential for combining AI-generated video and sound for a fully immersive experience.

      3. Community Excitement and Anticipation: The teaser shared by ElevenLabs has generated significant excitement and support within the community. This enthusiasm underscores the potential impact of AI in creative fields and the eagerness of users to explore new tools.

      ElevenLabs is not only democratizing sound production but also paving the way for innovative applications of AI in multimedia.

  • ChatGPT opens up Memory to your chats

    • OpenAI has introduced a memory feature for ChatGPT, making it opt-in by default, allowing the AI to remember user interactions to enhance conversation continuity. This memory can be erased at any time by the user, ensuring privacy and control over the data shared with the AI. Despite the potential benefits for personalized interactions, concerns arise regarding the handling of sensitive information and the overall impact on privacy. OpenAI emphasizes that certain sensitive data, like passwords or Social Security numbers, will not be stored, and is seeking feedback on other types of personal information. The development reflects a broader trend in AI towards creating more personalized and context-aware interactions, though it also raises questions about data use and the balance between customization and user privacy.

  • Nvidia allows you to run their chatbot locally

    • NVIDIA introduces "Chat with RTX," a groundbreaking demo application that revolutionizes personalized AI interactions.

      Key Points:

      1. Personalized AI Chatbot: "Chat with RTX" allows users to connect a GPT large language model to their personal content, including documents, notes, videos, and more, creating a highly personalized AI chat experience.

      2. Support for Various File Formats: The app supports a wide range of file formats, including text, PDF, DOC/DOCX, and XML. It can also load transcriptions from YouTube playlists, allowing users to query video content easily.

      3. Developer Opportunities: NVIDIA provides the TensorRT-LLM RAG developer reference project on GitHub, enabling developers to create and deploy their own RAG-based applications for RTX, accelerated by TensorRT-LLM.

      Conclusion: NVIDIA's "Chat with RTX" represents a significant leap forward in personalized AI technology, offering users a unique opportunity to enhance their productivity and creativity through a custom chatbot tailored to their content.

TOOLS: Give Yourself Powers

  • Emotion Sliders

    • EmoSpeaker is a tool that creates emotional talking-head videos using just one audio input, emotion, and source image. It allows precise control over emotional intensity with 15 adjustable levels. It outperforms other methods by accurately reflecting emotional expressions, achieving high variation and lip synchronization without needing multiple portraits or video clips.

  • ConsiStory

    • ConsiStory introduces a training-free approach for generating consistent subjects across multiple images using pretrained text-to-image models. This method is faster and more efficient than previous technologies, enabling personalized content generation and extending to multi-subject scenarios, offering creative flexibility in text-to-image generation.

  • Secret Level

    • As content changes the needs of creatives will change drastically. That is where Secret Level comes in with this new spin on the agency model of representing A List talent.

    • Secret Level is a highly curated collective of A-List talent from gaming, Hollywood, technology and advertising.

    • They create experiences that are gamified, live, social, interactive, artificially intelligent and immersive.

Thanks for reading.

See you next week!

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