The SXSW Trend report by Amy Webb is out!!

Check out Amy Webb's latest Trend Report from SXSW. She goes super in depth on the state of the industry

Welcome back,

Happy SXSW 2024!!

And that means I have a must watch video for everyone AND no it isn’t me.
Amy Webb has given her Trend Report speech for 2024 and it will help you see where the future will be headed. I suggest everyone should watch the entire video!

Let’s dive in!

The Rundown


    • Amy Webb’s Trend Report

  • NEWS

    • Claude 3 has been introduced

    • Groq goes Open Sourced

    • Driverless Taxis are here

    • New Midjourney Feature


    • Text to 3D

    • Text to Sound Effect


    • New work from Uncanny Harry

  • Amy Webb, at SXSW 2024, unveils the 2024 Emerging Tech Trend Report, emphasizing the onset of a technology super cycle powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things, and biotechnology. This session offers insights into the convergence of these technologies and their profound impact on society and the economy, highlighting the crucial phase we are entering, where innovation could reshape human existence in both thrilling and daunting ways.

    • Technology Super Cycle: The convergence of AI, the connected ecosystem of things, and biotechnology has initiated a technology super cycle, affecting every aspect of the economy and society, potentially reshaping human existence.

    • AI at the Core: AI serves as the foundation of this super cycle, with recent advancements and the transition from software as a service to real-time generative AI, highlighting its role in facilitating rapid innovation.

    • Ethical Concerns: Despite advancements, AI faces significant ethical challenges, including accountability and bias, which remain unresolved, underscoring the need for ethical considerations and accountability mechanisms in AI development.

    • Future Trends: The report predicts major trends and scenarios influenced by AI, including the shift towards open-source models, which, while increasing accessibility and innovation, also raise concerns about security and misuse.

    Amy Webb's presentation underscores the complexity of navigating the technological advancements of the AI, connectables, and biotechnology fields. She emphasizes the importance of foresight, ethical considerations, and proactive governance to ensure these technologies benefit society as a whole while minimizing potential harm.

NEWS: Your Weekly Tech Update

  • Anthropic releases Claude 3 and it might be better than Chat GPT

    • Anthropic introduces the Claude 3 model family, setting new benchmarks in AI capabilities with three models—Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus—each offering unique balances of speed, intelligence, and cost. This announcement highlights significant advancements in AI, promising more nuanced content creation, enhanced analysis capabilities, and improved safety measures.

      • Key Takeaways:

        1. Enhanced Capabilities: Claude 3 models, particularly Opus, showcase superior performance in comprehension, analysis, and content creation across multiple languages.

        2. Speed and Efficiency: The models offer rapid response times for a variety of applications, with Haiku noted for its exceptional speed and cost-effectiveness.

        3. Safety and Accuracy Improvements: Significant strides have been made in reducing unnecessary refusals and improving the accuracy of responses, alongside advancements in responsible AI development and bias reduction.

  • Elon Musk lets Groq go Open Sourced

    • Elon Musk announced his intention to open-source xAI's chatbot Grok, amidst a legal dispute with OpenAI, which he co-founded. Musk accuses OpenAI of deviating from its original mission and commitment to openness, particularly criticizing its partnership with Microsoft for profit motives. In response, OpenAI defended its stance, arguing against the feasibility of Musk's proposals for control and highlighting a prior agreement on the evolving openness strategy as AI technology advances.

  • Driverless Taxi’s are here

    • Waymo has been granted permission by California regulators to operate its self-driving robotaxis at speeds up to 65mph in specific areas of Los Angeles and the Bay Area. This development follows a temporary halt by the California Public Utilities Commission due to safety concerns. Waymo's approach to expansion will be gradual, emphasizing continuous technology and safety improvements. Despite some opposition and calls for further regulatory measures, the decision underscores the potential benefits of autonomous vehicle services, including safety and accessibility improvements.

  • MidJourney introduces new feature

    • MidJourney has enhanced its Describe feature, allowing users to receive descriptions of images for use in generating AI art. This update, part of the version six improvements, offers more accurate and detailed descriptions, moving beyond simple labels to include context and details such as background elements. The feature is accessible via a Discord chat session with the MidJourney bot, promoting creativity, accessibility, and a unique way to engage with AI technology.

TOOLS: Give Yourself Powers

  • Uncanny Harry is an Influencer on X focused on experimenting with emerging AI Filmmaking tech. While you check out some of his creations below keep in mind that this is the technology in its earliest forms and we are getting better technology every day.

  • Below is a completely AI music video he created as well as a short film that if you picture it as a previs for a film has a lot of promise.

Thanks for reading.

See you next week!

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